Saturday, January 16, 2016

Help Me by Donna M. Zadunajsky - A Review

Synopsis: A novella about a boy named Mick and his struggles with life. His parent’s divorce and a friend’s suicide make his world unbearable. Each “cut” has a deeper meaning. A cry for help.
“I spin my dad’s Ruger SP101 revolver on the wood floor of my bedroom. Sometimes, just to see what it feels like, I place the tip of the gun against my temple, but I never once pull the trigger. NO!”
“I’m more into the slice of the blade against my skin and the blood running down my arm.”
“It relieves so much pressure.”
“And I can breathe again…” 
Help Me! is available in both print and ebook formats.
Date Finished: 1-15-2016
Rating: 1.5/3
*I received a free copy of this novel via net galley. All opinions are my own.*
So... at first I was totally excited to receive this book. I'm always up for reading books with difficult subjects and sharing with those would could benefit from it. However, I could not get into this novel.
There was a lot of "telling" in this novel, and not "showing," in both emotions and dialogue. While I understand that this was just a brief novella, it fell a bit flat, and I couldn't connect with the characters. This might be a better book for middle school kids, but for anyone older than 14 or 15, this probably wouldn't be received well. The voice was a bit juvenile. I just couldn't get into it. It was very brief, and I finished it in about an hour. Again, it's good for light reading, but there are better books about cutting, such as Cut by Patricia McCormick or Impulse by Ellen Hopkins.
I also wasn't a very big fan of the POV change. I get that it was supposed to add suspense, but it was essentially a retelling of the first part, and was even less interesting than the first. Overall, I was not a fan. However, I see how this can be an important and potentially life saving novel, so maybe it'll be good for younger teens. 

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